We’re joining organizations and universities around the globe to shine a bright light for Diabetes Awareness. Century Tower at UF will be lighted blue throughout Diabetes Awareness Month.
Enter the UF World Diabetes Day Blue Circle Photo Contest!!
Contact Carly Barnes Dodd barnes.carly@ufl.edu for more information
People with diabetes, families, friends, healthcare professionals, educators, advocates: This is your chance to be creative and promote diabetes awareness. Blue circles are the global symbol associated with diabetes. We’re challenging you to take a photo that has one or more blue circles in it, and become a diabetes advocate. You can include a blue circle by making it, painting it, posing next to it, or any other way you can imagine. Photos of individuals or groups are welcome.
The contest is open November 1, 2016, to November 30, 2016. Winners will be announced on December 1, and prizes will be awarded to first, second and third places. Follow the link below to enter:
Blue Circle Photo Contest 2016
To see other activities planned for our Bluevember campaign, visit:
Not able to attend the events? To learn more about type 1 diabetes research at UF visit http://diabetes.ufl.edu
Through the Pathway to Prevention Study, we offer a screening study to identify risk for developing the disease. Eligible participants may be able to join a prevention study. Call 877-343-2377 to learn more or follow the links to Research at the top of the page.