The TrialNet team will be screening family members of people with type 1 diabetes through the Pathway to Prevention Study on Sunday March 26th at the Noah’s March 5K Run on UF Campus.
Visit the 5 K Registration page at:
TrialNet Screening at UF Diabetes Institute Noah’s March for a Cure
The Pathway to Prevention Study screens relatives for autoantibodies through a simple blood draw at no charge. Autoantibodies may appear years before the onset of type 1 diabetes, which help determine risk and eligibility to participate in a type 1 diabetes prevention trial or close monitoring.
Who Can Participate?
Individuals who are 1-45 years of age with a parent, child, brother or sister with Type 1 Diabetes or individuals who are 1-20 years of age with a niece, aunt, uncle, grandparent, half-sibling or cousin with Type 1 Diabetes may participate.
At the UF Clinical & Translational Research Building.CTRB_ParkingOptions_Directions
March 26th 8:00 am to Noon
Call Annie Abraham at 352-294-5762 for more information or email