The TrialNet team from the University of Florida will be screening through
the Pathway to Prevention Study
At the JDRF Central Florida One Walk on March 11,2017
8:00 am – Noon
University of Central Florida
4000 Central Florida Boulevard – Orlando
Look for the TrialNet tent at registration
Anyone between the ages of 1 and 45 with a sibling, child, or parent with type 1 diabetes or anyone between the ages of 1 and 20 with a cousin, niece/nephew, aunt/uncle, grandparent, half-sister or half-brother with type 1 may be eligible for testing at no cost.
Relatives who are found to be at a greater risk to develop type 1 may be eligible to participate in prevention trials or ongoing monitoring.
For more information about the study or the event, call 352-294-5762 or 352-514-2913.
or connect through the Chapter JDRF Central Florida One Walk 2017 Information/Registration page :